Unfortunately miss matched additions over time can change the feel of a building and, what starts out as lovely, can become a rather ‘ugly duckling’
It’s sometimes difficult to see the potential in a building like this, but very often, with a few changes, it can easily become a ‘beautiful swan’.
And although the way something looks on the outside shouldn’t determine what they are, characteristic of Anderson’s fairy-tale story, this building shows how overcoming a few challenges can provide a dramatic impact and miraculously arrive at a happy ending This building had undergone a number of inappropriate changes over the years that had changed the character of the building and what we wanted to do was to restore a more traditional character, more in keeping with the Conservation Area setting.
The original building was retained, but all windows, doors, bargeboards, fascia’s and rainwater goods were removed. The windows, of varying sizes, were replaced with heritage style timber sash windows that were placed symmetrically and the front door was replaced with smaller porch with a traditionally boarded door, restoring much of the historic character.
The extensions, particularly the new double storey side extension, create contemporary additions using traditional materials and methods and all extensions along with the original building are rendered to provide uniformity, which was something that the original building lacked.